Behind the Scenes: Groundhogs day

Hello everyone… Our new youtube video went up yesterday!!!

If you haven’t watched it, make sure to watch it now:

Groundhog day

We filmed this video on Groundhogs day, which just happened to be the Superbowl and the date 02-02-2020. There was so much going on in that day, but it was so much fun.

This video is about groundhog day. Amariah is stuck in the same day and has to figure out a way to get out. The day just keeps repeating over and over again and she is stuck in time. This is based off the movie “Groundhog day.” We hope you enjoy it!!

This was a hard video to film because it was repeating the same day, therefore repeating the same clips, same people, same time, same place everywhere. We decided to stake out in one place, film all of the clips and then move to a different location to film the other takes. We also had to lay out every single clip and what would happen in it.

It took us a while to film, but filming is so much fun so we don’t mind.

Here are some behind the scenes photos:

Filming the ball hitting scene
Korah loving on her dog before filming the first scene.

Hope you enjoyed our youtube video. If you have any more ideas for youtube videos make sure to leave them in the comment section below!!!

Thanks for reading!!!