Behind the Scenes: The Woodland Creature

Our new YouTube video went up yesterday!

Go watch it here:

Comedy Video: The woodland creature

We filmed this youtube video while we were hunting. We decided to go on a hike and ended up filming a video. (Don’t worry we were close to our campsite when we were filming this so we didn’t get lost.)

Fun fact: We always make our videos up on the spot and usually do not film twice (unless the camera falls or something). We always come up with what we are going to say off the top of our heads so in all of our videos, everything is realistic.

In this video, Korah decided to be the creature and Amariah decided to be the lost person in the woods. Then we used the places around us and came up with ideas on the spot and then filmed them.

Here are some behind the scenes clips we captured while we were filming this video:

The Woods
The Woods

While we were filming this, it started to get dark really quickly, so we worked with what we had and made the video scary.

Overall, it was so much fun to film and never boring!

After you watch the video, comment down below if you would be scared if you heard those noises.